Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Curing Acne - Household Ingredient Remedies

Practically everyone has had acne in their life and it can be very frustrating when considering the various remedies for treating it. Many people have wasted thousands of dollars just trying out new products and other ways to cure their acne problems. Why pay such high prices for something when you aren't sure it will work? Instead, turn to homemade remedies, which are cheap and risk free and give it a shot.

Here are some methods that you can use to help the "acne curing process". The best part about these methods is that most of the supplies can be found in your very own kitchen.

Baking Soda: Baking soda can be used as a great scrub substitute. It exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells on your skin and unclogs your pores in the process. Mix small amounts of water with the baking soda so it has a paste like form, then gently massage it on your skin for about ten to fifteen seconds. Once that is done, begin rinsing it off with water and then dry the area with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar is a commonly used ingredient to cure acne; as it not only kills the bacteria, which is a big contributor to acne problems, but it balances your skin's pH level and absorbs excessive oil from your skin. The vinegar should be diluted before you begin the process: approximately eight parts water and two parts vinegar. Once that is done, apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, leave it there for about ten minutes, then rinse it off a bit later. It can also be applied to larger problem areas, whereas more of a concentrated vinegar solution (2 or 3 parts water with 1 part vinegar) is used.

Lemon and Lime: Lemon and/or lime juice can be used as another substitute for vinegar; as it contains citric acid. Either the lemon or the lime may be used for exfoliating purposes, which will also halt the growth or spread of acne infections.

Egg Whites: Another common and powerful method is that of egg whites. Egg whites, which are very rich in protein, can be used as a "mask" to heal and rejuvenate your skin, which helps to repair your acne problem areas. They also can be used to absorb a lot of excessive oil on your skin.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal, like many of these other products, absorbs excessive oil and draws out the impurities clogged deep inside your pores. Simply heat up some oatmeal, let it cool for a short while, then apply it to your face. Leave the oatmeal on your face for a little bit, then remove it after it starts drying up. Doing this method on a regular basis will show positive results, but it may take weeks to see the effects.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil is one of the most commonly used all-natural household antiseptics that can be used to treat acne. You can strongly dilute it with some jojoba oil in order to treat your acne spots directly, killing off all the bacteria. Tea tree gel can also be applied to your entire face; as it is much more diluted and quite easy to apply.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Taking 2.5 grams of Pantothenic acid in tablet form, 4 times per day, will prove to be a gigantic help for those that suffer from acne. Pantothenic acid acts to help the body metabolize fats, which are later turned into sebum and excreted through the skin; which actually causes most acne problems. Pantothenic acid must be taken in large quantities, as small quantities will not have a very noticeable effect.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a tropical application for the treatment of burns. When applied to the skin, it helps by preventing scaring and fade marks, as well as helps in the healing process of acne spots.

In Conclusion, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire in order to find a way to get rid of your acne. All it takes is some simple household products, which won't burn a hole in your pocket and a few minutes of your time. Surely, you can spare a few dollars and a few minutes in order to rid yourself of acne.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

Most Effective Acne Treatment
Klear Acne
All Natural Skin Care
Homemade Pimple Remedies
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7 Ways to Spot a Brokeback Entrepreneur (And How To Avoid Them)

Are you bitter that your network isnt producing results? Angry that the people youve been networking with isnt sending business your way? Tired of working long hours on your business only to see your bank account almost empty and your bills piling up?

The problem lies with you yes, you. You have been giving too much away for too long and youre now attracting brokeback entrepreneurs.

Whos a brokeback entrepreneur? This is someone who operates using a frugal mentality, but refuses to spend any money to operate their business.

Youre a smart entrepreneur with an awesome product or great services. However, the only way you can start to reap the financial rewards you deserve is to rid your life of these brokeback entrepreneurs.

First, you need to spot them. Then, you need a strategy to avoid them, or if theyre infiltrating your life already, you need a plan to get rid of them. Here are my 7 tips based on what my friends tell me.

  1. Brokeback entrepreneurs always pick your brain. They will email or call you everytime they encounter a problem that you have the expertise to solve.

    How to avoid them: Draft up an email that lists all the freebies you offer on your website. This will include links to your blog, articles on your website, your podcast and any other advice you freely offer online. Then end the email by saying, If after reviewing my free resources you still have questions, you can rent my brain at $200 per hour. Youll never hear from the brokeback entrepreneur again.

  2. Brokeback entrepreneurs copy from you instead of thinking of fresh, new ideas. They will plagiarize your content, copy your website design and use your trademarked name in their marketing materials.

    How to avoid them: Use a website such as to monitor whos copying your website content. Being proactive in protecting yourself will prevent the brokeback entrepreneurs from messing with you in the first place.

  3. Brokeback entrepreneurs attend every free event you offer. They live for the $0, no cost teleclass, webinar or workshop. They will never, ever pay for any of your events, preferring to listen to the same free one over and over again. Then, theyll approach you at every break or dominate every Q&A session to get free advice.

    How to avoid them: You cant. Instead, cut off the questions being asked by the the brokeback entrepreneur (without being rude of course) and invite him or her to contact you via email. When he or she does, follow my advice in #1 above.

  4. Brokeback entrepreneurs are uncomfortable when you upsell your products or services. They will email you after your teleclass or approach you after your speech and scold you about how wrong it is to use 2-minutes at the end of your 50-minute information share to sell them anything.

    How to avoid them: Keep your cool. Remember, price is to a brokeback entrepreneur as billions are to Trump, so theyll never be your customer since theyll never spend money with you. Instead, thank the brokeback entrepreneur for their advice, then move on to the next person. Dont get into an argument with the brokeback entrepreneur. Chances are, when the brokeback entrepreneur complains to her or his colleagues that you actually tried to sell something, the brokeback entrepreneur will have egg on her or his face.

  5. Brokeback entrepreneurs will seek to barter their services with you. They never want to spend money on anyones services simply because no one is spending money with him or her.

    How to avoid them: Not all bartering relationships are bad. Instead, define the arrangement up front by writing up a statement of work. Detail the start and end dates, whats included and excluded in the project, plus a timeline. Also, issue an invoice that shows the value of the work youre providing, but has a $0 for the amount owing. Chances are, the brokeback entrepreneur will find someone else who isnt taking the bartering relationship that seriously.

  6. Brokeback entrepreneurs expect you to drop everything for them. Because she or he is sitting in their home office twiddling their thumbs, the brokeback entrepreneur expects that you are as well. The reason why she or he has so much time on their hands is because they arent making money. So, when they leave you a voicemail or send you an email, they expect to see a response within the hour.

    How to avoid them: Update your voicemail greeting to let people know when you typically return greetings. A typical turnaround time is 24-hours. A rule of thumb is to respond to your clients and prospects inquiring about your product or service that same business day. Typically, a brokeback entrepreneur is neither, so get into the habit of responding to networking contacts within 3-business days.

  7. Brokeback entrepreneurs hang out together. Those who feel they shouldnt spend money for anything beyond registering a domain name hang out with those of the same mentality.

    How to avoid them: If you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires. If you want to have a successful business, hang out with people who have a successful business. If you want to be broke, hang out with broke people. Its just that simple.

Leesa Barnes, The Schmooze Coach, helps consultants, virtual assistants, professional organizers, coaches and solopreneurs avoid cold calling by developing a fearless networking plan. Leesa is author of "Schmooze Your Way to Success: 9 Fearless Networking Tips for the Shy, Timid, Introverted & Just Plain Clueless." Go to and sign up for her free 8-lesson ecourse called "From Clueless to Fearless: Secrets from the Schmooze Coach."

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